PAY IT FORWARD – HELP A HOWARD UNIVERSITY STUDENT LEADER with TUITION. Howard University costs $48,000 a year and all students who attend Howard came in with 3.85 (required) grade point averages and the highest SAT scores yet many of our brightest minds are priced out and pushed out of Howard because of the high costs of tuition.

One of the most practical and powerful ways to support the student stakeholders of our great university is to drop funds directly in the student accounts of our students who are in need of tuition assistance.

At present, The Capstone Group has a growing list of ten students who need immediate help with tuition. If you wish to make a donation – please contact to obtain the name and HU student ID number of the scholar that you would like to help.

To Wire Transfer funds directly into Student Account:

Bank of America
730 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
ABA: 026009593
For Credit to Howard University
Account Number 1933194600
For Further Credit to:
Student Name: (fill in)
Student ID# (fill in)